All Hallows' Eve
Feature film of All Hallows’ Eve by the late British author Charles Williams.
All Hallows' Eve is a supernatural thriller grounded in theology and depicting an epic clash of good and evil.
Good Country Pictures is already in the process of developing this book into a feature film, and together with the development of Williams’ other novels, will create an enduring franchise to parallel the O’Connor film and mini-series.
Charles Williams' novels are comparable to those of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien.
Good Country Pictures also holds the film option on All Hallows’ Eve and the rolling options on five of his six other remaining novels.
Williams’ novels create a contemporary version of Dante’s Divine Comedy with Blitz-era London as the backdrop.
All Hallows' Eve is set in London, 1945, among the ruins of the Blitz. In Williams' novel the walls between the world of the living and the world of the dead begin to open, setting in motion events which threaten to transform the world into a Hell on earth.
A young painter discovers that his wealthy fiancée was conceived and raised by her mother as the intended victim of a human sacrifice which will bring great, dark power into the world.
Williams’ unflinching depiction of this black magic cult within the world of London’s wealthy elite creates an alluring web of suspense and dread evoking the atmosphere of Hitchcock’s British thrillers, such as The 39 Steps, crossed with demonic thrillers like Dennis Wheatley’s The Devil Rides Out.